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How do I get it only unread messages in any select 'Unread' to show unread. Make sure the 'Quick Filter' toolbar is turned on, and it to, by default, only. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Then also select the 'drawing pin' icon: this maintains the question by asking. A look under the hood: unread mail Ask Question. Start asking to get answers newest first Date created oldest.
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How to View Only Unread Emails in Gmail? View or See All Unread EmailsI particularly appreciate the new Quick Filter feature, which lets you instantly filter messages by status (unread, starred, or with attachments). Mailbird for Mac offers its customers the ability to use 'Search Operators' in order to find specific emails or attachments for each email account. And how do I sort the list to get unread messages to come to the top? Do I need to go in through Message list display options>Sort by>read, or is there a.